48th Cerne Abbas Open Gardens 2-6pm June 14 & 15 2025
www.cerneabbasopengardens.org.uk Second Site by Bob Foulser
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2024 Annual Overview

Year's average temperature 12.6C Year's total precipitation 1566mm
Average over last decade 12.4C Average over last decade 1350mm

The first few days of January were very wet and mild before it became cold and dry for much of the month.
Towards the end of January it again became relatively mild and extremely wet and this weather continued all through February.
It was still mild in March but only relatively wet apart from a very wet two-day spell.
April experienced a wet start and finish but most of the month was dry with an overall average temperature.
May was relatively warm and dry apart from two very wet days.
During the first half of June the temperatures were disappointing but the second half was much warmer and it was a very dry month.
After rather ordinary temperatures for much of July, there were some hot conditions towards the end while it was fairly dry apart from two very wet days.
August was a warm month with no extremes of rainfall but September's temperatures were disappointing and there were several very wet days.
October was mild enough but there was plenty of rainfall in what is traditionally one of our wettest months.
The first half of November was very dull but dry while the second half was wet though there was still no really cold weather.
December was again very dull but mild and there was less than half of the usual rainfall.
A feature of the year's weather that must be mentioned was the regular periods of high wind that caused a lot of damage to many of the older trees around the village.

Philip Spray